In My World

By JoanneInOz

The Green Love Dance....

....or perhaps "Rhapsody in Blue Green?

For the last couple of weeks I've noticed the absence of many of my backyard birdy visitors. One or two drop by occasionally for a quick feed, but they don't tend to hang out here all day lately the way they have in the past.

Either my Backyard Birdy Restaurant has lost popularity, or the birds have far more pressing business in the nest building and egg laying department.
I think the latter. I have never known a bird who would turn down a free and easy feed because a garden isn't "The Place to be Seen" anymore!

The Rainbow Lorikeets in particular seem to have all paired off and rather than visiting in their flocks of many, they turn up now couple by couple, rather cute really, and I get to see their funny little Love Dances.

I watched these two bouncing, bobbing and strutting around each other for a couple of minutes before one of them decided to flash his superb feathers at the other. No doubt feathers have been used in many a wooing interlude and no doubt also that the showy and bold one would be the male....hehe!! :))

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