Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

To sit and dream

a view now obscured
but a place to sit and dream
summer is still here

Was going to skip today as I was working on lots of other stuff, but this couple at the pocket park on the end of our street caught my eye. What are they dreaming about? In fact I’ve started a mini series of people on benches that I quite like... And I can add it to my Fairview One Street series, which has been neglected this summer. The willow tree is sort of blocking the view of Lake Union and Gasworks Park now but it’s a very pleasant spot.

Edit: OH it's so fun to look back at the thumbnails from the last 3 years on this day. 3 years ago in 2010 the blip was this park (since remodeled ) from the water side with the huge willow in the foreground. How cool is that-=the same day.

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