Mr S Goes Shopping For Shoes

Maybe those of you who leave home more frequently realize the range of choices that are available to adorn your feet, but we were a little surprised at the rainbow here. And this was just a portion of the display.

The very knowledgeable salesperson could tell shoe stories all week, one for every color you try on. My favorite involved N (well-known manufacturer) and bunions. Seems that one of N's styles was most accommodating for folks whose poor bumpy feet had few alternatives; something about the perfect way the seams happen to fall. Word got back to N that people with bunions were buying these particular shoes; the company pulled the line and redesigned them so the seam would fall in a different and uncomfortable place. The reason? People were buying this shoe for the wrong reasons! N wants people to buy shoes because they are fast and sleek and racy. They apparently do not want their image tarnished by sore bony feet. Can this even be true? Any executives at N are free to add their comments here.

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