Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Stringed Man

I've blipped this man and his strings before. That was with his domra, this was with his latest toy: an octave mandola. I got to have a play on it, which was very cool. It was the first time I've ever played an instrument tuned in 5ths ... No, wait ... his domra is also tuned in 5ths. In any case, it's certainly not something I'm used to, but I think I'm going to get some new strings of odd sizes to allow me to tune one of my guitars in 5ths. It's really very interesting. And very cool.

Crazy day today. Multiple soddings-up of my diary (not by me) led to me being double-booked at a couple of points. And I was supposed to meet with my director for my annual performance review - but I didn't, as there was just no way I'd have been able to fit it in. All worked out in the end though - and I managed to snap this before getting off to my train. The run-down shed next door was pointed out as a better background than inside (light was better too), And I just had him play a bit. This, as it happens, was the first photo I took.

Large here. "Paris" preset in Camerabag.

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