Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Shooting Shoots Shooting Up

I blipped these before - but only 9 days ago. It's really very cool to see them shooting up more every day.

Interesting day, and a busy one. Wasn't looking like being the latter - therefore likely not the former - as there were numerous cancellations. The nudist riots case managers


I swear I typed "the industrious case managers". Best. Autocorrect. EVAR.

Anyway, the industrious case managers, managed - industriously - to fill all those empty spots before I reached the first one. ;-) So the day became, as I said, busy and interesting.

Then home. I watered the roses. Kids watered the trees. And each other...

Oh, and a political post-script: why on earth do 50% of the 99% support the 1%? Even people who are among those getting most screwed-over by the 1% and their poli-cronies.

Edit/addit: shot the Milky Way again. not super-happy with this one, but I like the power lines (a deliberate choice) and Antares (red star, bottom left, happenstance). ;-)

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