Weather Girl

Weather girl Judith Ralston brought a ray of sunshine to the Mackintosh Church today, to help with our fundraising campaign.

Judith Ralston trained as an opera singer, graduating from the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama with a BA in Music, a post graduate diploma in vocal studies and a further one in Opera studies. Then in 1999 a career change brought her to the world of broadcasting and the BBC where she has presented a wide variety of things both on radio and television; from news, weather and travel to writing and presenting classical music programmes.

We would like to thank everybody who has helped with the campaign, however small or large, all of your donations have been a fantastic help, and have given us a great start to the campaign.

We only have 10 days to go on our Indiegogo funding campaign. In the closing weeks we are needing a big push to reach our target of £10,000

If we are successful in reaching our target we will be able to encourage a world of arts, music and culture to perform here. This will bring associated benefits to the local community, local artists, local music students and performers and encourages a sustainable use of the Mackintosh Church. Keeping the heart of Mackintosh alive.

You can follow this link to find out more and also new gifts that can be claimed by getting involved.

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