Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


Woke at 20 to 5, for some reason. Little point lying there, and a brief attempt at returning to sleep didn't look like meeting with success, so off I went for a run, leaving a little after 5 - and reaching the gym around 5:30. Bizarrely, I was not the first person there.

Anyway, as I was running along at one point, I saw up ahead of me three young blokes striding along - perhaps on their way home after a long night out? I dunno. Anyway, after I passed them (I was on the road, they the footpath), I noticed a little behind and to the side, the sound of running. "Oh ... they be making some fun..." thinks I. From further behind I hear calling out "faster mate!" ... Sound redoubles ... Then from the guy running after me: "Nah I can't keep up bro!" And he was gone. Kind of surprised me. Ok presumably not a runner, and maybe fresh from a night on the turps, but still; he couldn't keep up for 20 metres? Maybe I run better than I think. I'm going to see it as validating anyway. ;-)

Anyhoo ... here's the backyard. xP And largerer.

Here's a nice little shot of Miss 7 - before she started vomiting. :-( Just as we were about to head out, with her really looking forward to sushi train, she stopped suddenly, and turned her stomach inside out. Poor thing. For the rest of the day she's been at the dreaded there's nothing left so Y U KEEP MAKE VOMIT stage, poor wee thing. Our bodies just don't seem to get the message that everything has been expelled; there is nothing - good or bad - left, so surely there's no need for continued vomiting. I did a couple of other versions after processing the linked one myself in Filterstorm.

Gotta say though, if she had to start vomiting, I'm glad she did it before we got in the car ...

Snapped a crimson rosella. My camera wishes not to focus on rosellas. I can use spot AF, and position it directly on the bird, but it focuses on the branches behind. It happens more with rosellas than anything else. I had much more success with manual focus (despite my shoddy eyes). I also found I had to be rather selective with noise reduction, as the texture of the red plumage simply disappears, but masking the noise reduction onto the blue feathers makes it all much much betterer.

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