Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Very colourful, lorikeet

An odd sort of day today. ... That's an odd sort of sentence. Along the lines of "Very flat, Norfolk" ... Anyway, today was a bit odd: patches of frenzy, punctuated by bits of relaxation - in the first period of which I managed to get this - probably the best photo of a lorikeet I have ever taken. 8)

Do look at it large - I think it will reward a bigger view.

The second of today's relaxing periods was, as it happens, consequent on the events leading to the frenzy. I had to go to Staff Health to tell them why I have antibodies to Hepatitis B (happily they accepted my word that it was the course of vaccination at the start of clinical attachments in medical school), and had I ever - EVER - been overseas other than the UK and NZ, because TB. Weellll yes when I was FOUR we went through Japan, Siberia, Russia ... I said we didn't spend long and she wrote down "transit only". And hell, I've had three Mantoux tests and two BCG vaccines over the years, so I think I'm probably ok if I'm going to be. Anyway, now I have it all recorded on a handy-dandy card that I'm not a walking plague-carrier.

That, short as it was, threw me out with respect to the train timetables, to the point that my arrangements to meet with an Access Team nurse for a home visit would not have been possible.

So I went home for lunch. That was nice. And met the nurse afterward, as the visit was down in the mid-Mountains.

Then the visit took longer than I really had available - even though by dint of my rearrangements we ended up getting there substantially earlier than we originally had planned. Thus I was set back a fair bit for my afternoon clinic. Hence frenzy - albeit minor, to be honest. Probably felt worse because I was typing notes in the car until I felt queasy, and that took ages to settle down.

Oh! Very pleased about our old monstrously-pruned lemon: there are quite a few brand new shoots poking their way out. :-D And there's a second bud on the peach, and lots of new growth. So all going very well there. 8)

Oh, and I found this amusing at Kisswood - I mean Kingswood - station.

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