Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By cdsvfdcs

Virgo Birthday

Today I am 73 years old! The first thing that came to me this morning was “How did this happen? I don’t feel that old!”
Oh I know, I said I wasn’t going to do a SP for a long time. I sort of thought I might do a collage of stuff that I love, that is ME, or a collage of all the unfinished art projects that I’m looking at in the studio. But then I looked at the last 3 blip years for this day and think I’d like to see a once a year portrait in the future...( I never thought I’d say that) . So I got brave with the tripod and camera timer and a close up --this is sort of the way it is - wrinkles and all.

There are a few Virgo (aug 23-sept 22) birthdays that I know of in my little blip community - Dru (9/3, TerriG(9/6), and Mikeday (9/16) anyone else?? so I thought it would be fun to look up some Virgo traits --well, not sure having the internet here at the island is actually so good - after 5 or 6 sites, the info was too much and conflicting itself. I’ll just stick to the usual Virgo characteristics and what I’ve learned about myself.

Reliable - absolutely
Loyal - yes (maybe to a fault)
Precise - not so much
Analytical- I dunno about this one Virgo traditionally sorted the grain from the chaff....
Practical, - interested in learning new things . guess so.
Organized. NO -one should see my studio! and I also like broken routines...
Kind - I hope so (this is my favorite)
Helpful - hope so
Perfectionist, critical - I don’t think so...
Unemotional - maybe on the outside --but I am also a Swede!

that’s enough for now. what about you other virgos?

Had a lovely row this morning after the fog cleared - felt like we were on a silent silver sea - it did rain on us but we watched the seals for a while and saw a harbor porpoise in Trincomali channel that was cool. It cleared and we had a good walk. First day without some kind of schedule in a while and it was SO relaxing!(unlike what virgos are supposed to like...) Then we had a Facetime chat with brother and sister in law and a birthday toast with some neighbors. And now it’s time for popcorn for dinner! I had the perfect family party last friday and will look forward to lunch with some friends in town later. And dinner out! :-) (tomorrow, actually, on Galiano Is.) What a fine day! (sorry this got so long... ...)

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