
By why3002

Avada Kedavra!

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GRRR! I hate things timing out and losing all the text :o(
Approx. gist:

I went to a friend's 21st party, which was costume themed. My gorgeous man went as Antichrist Harry Potter, and myself as Rudolph (the red-nosed reindeer). I did the face-painting after we'd arrived... I'm not sure which was more terrifying: Him as a disturbingly realistic Harry Potter (he's even got a (not quite lightening) scar on his forehead) or as the creation above! He definitely looked odd with the paint... not the beautiful face I'm used to :o/
I did a few other people's faces: a zombie Jesus and a demon priest. To be honest I was pleasantly surprised how well they came out!

We stayed until the wee hours and on the short walk to the boy's house we stopped off at my car and ended up sitting inside (it started raining) while we had a chat. Somehow the chat got quite in depth, instead of a quick goodbye... we ended up nodding off in the car! Thankfully we were awake pretty early, so he could stumble home, nap and shower before work!

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