
By why3002

Flowering Tea

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Once up for the day (it's too easy to snuggle and 1/2 doze the mornings away) I started to play with my new phone... spending far too long trying to transfer over numbers, etc..

Went to the Peckham's to get wheat beer for the Lammas feast. Paul and I are in charge of the food and drink for the ritual. I may not be able to make it myself, as I am uncertain when I am heading Down South. My sister's pregnant and is due at the end of the month... She's going to call me when she starts going into labour, as it may be a day or two before she delivers after that as it's her first. That should give me time to finish packing and drive down the following day...

We parked the car by J&P's flat and bumped into them as they were heading out for dinner! So we all got the beer together, it was good having more people to consult, and had a double-dinner-date at a nice Japanese place (Ichiban). It was very nice... and they had a selection of flowering teas, of which Paul's sister indulged in this one.

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