
By MerrilHope

C is for Chicken

What a great day!

In Contrast to the recent dull dull days where I sat and listened to many many words of little consequence as I can now hardly recall any of them, this morning my fellow art and music teachers and I engaged in a dialogue that was inspiring, innovative and invigorating regarding our practice and intentions for this year.

And then as if that wasn't enough excitement for one day (!) in the afternoon Celeste, Jack and I went to Besiktas on a shopping foray to find sketch books and sundries for the art studios much needed for Monday. I can't remember the last time I bothered to go to Besiktas... Anyway, we found the sketch books but then chose to have a snackette in preference to more hunting and found a very nice outdoor cafe that suited our purpose where my meal was so Colourful that I took a photo which would have become my blip for C until ...

Taxi home, the static traffic gridlock of a Friday in Istanbul generated many through-the-cab-window photos, of which this is one.

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