Welcome Home

After a week away I was looking forward to getting home for a couple of nights before I head back down to Dad's on Sunday so imagine my delight when, after a 220 mile drive in monsoon conditions I got home to find eight teenagers having a sleepover in the garden. As the rain started to really hammer down their little tented village in the garden started to resemble a mini version of Glastonbury and in the end we took pity on them and let them come into the house. They were so drenched that the boys had to have their clothes taken off them and put in the dryer which meant we had three boys swanning around in layers of sheets and duvets claiming to look like Greek Gods. This is a pile of some of the shoes left at the back door.

In the middle of all this Mrs Smith had lit the wood burning stove and made a brilliant chicken, chorizo and tomato stew which we devoured.

The older kids then all camped down in the front room and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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