Fun Feeding Ducks

We had a good morning in the garden. #1 Daughter got The Man sorted out with all the tools he needed to trim the hedges in the front garden.

Meanwhile, #1 Grandson had been delighted to find Ash's ball in our car. This ball gave us a couple of hours of fun. It had holes in it which meant Daniel could pick it up easily in one hand. It was fairly heavy so when it was thrown towards the montbretias it vanished between their leaves. "Oh, no!" That meant somebody had to delve amongst the wet leaves to find it and throw it out again ... and again ... poor montbretias ... and again!

In the afternoon we went to back again to Whirlow Hall to feed the ducks and take some more photos, Daniel was just loving the ducks crowding around him and his mum ... until one naughty duck came close and stole his slice of bread!

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