horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Ithyphallic n. Obscure, impure, indecent. From the phallus carried in Bacchic festivals.

But hey, Blip is a family site. It just looks like something indecent is going on. In reality I was rowing a boat in Knaresborough, where we had retired for the afternoon with no cricket to be played, and having suffered the vaguaries once more of the train system.

Tickets booked for 8pm back to Edinburgh from Leeds, we asked in the station if they could be changed to an earlier train. Nope. We'd have to cancel those tickets, and wait on a refund (minus a £10 admin charge on each ticket) and pay £75 each to head back north earlier.

So we headed off to Knaresborough (buying tickets from the self-service machine, then the conductor told us that if we'd bought at the window we'd have got a discount for three of us buying, but those deals don't show up on the machines... grrrr!). A visit to Mary Shipton's Cave (having seen it on telly years and years ago I was daftly pleased with this), some boating, pub lunch, wander round the castle...

Back in Leeds for a quick (and very very nice) dinner at Piazza by Anthony (not this Anthony unfortunately) and we're now sat in the station pub waiting to get on the train back home. Thankful I've taken tomorrow off for a ride.

It's been a brilliant trip (save for the cricket itself) after last year in London was a bit, erm, rubbish. We've already started thinking about next year, and looking at a return to Trent Bridge (but not staying in Nottingham...).

Righto, the challenge continues - page number between 1 and 166, and paragraph number between 1 and 5, for tomorrow's word...

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