
By scribbler

Somewhere under the rainbow

Interstate Avenue, under I-405. (SOOC)

It may be that 'one swallow does not a summer make' but one snap can make a blip. This is a piece of Portland scenery I've been wanting to photograph, but how can I take pictures and drive at the same time? Yet here I was at the stop sign with no one behind me, so I just rolled down the window and clicked. I didn't see the pedestrian until the capture was done, and thought I'd missed him. I'm chuffed!



Which brings me, by way of a ginormous non sequitur, to the challenge topic, Rainbow. Not interested. Don't wanna. Can't think of a clever way to fit in. But I've been participating in DDW's challenges almost daily for over four months, and I'd miss my challenge buddies.

Then I saw Mollymay's brilliant solution. She posted a great photo of a peacock? no, lorikeet? no, not too brightly feathered kookaburra bird and simply announced, "The Topic was Rainbow today, but this will be my rainbow blip!"

Every deck of cards has a joker, right? I hereby propose that all challenges should have a joker for those days when we just don' wanna. And in honor of Mollymay's bold inventiveness I think the challenge joker should be called the Kookaburra. Of course there should be a limit on its use - the limit should be as many Kookaburras as you need. What do you think, challenge moms?

RAINBOW: DDW September 9 challenge Kookaburra!

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