
By robzpix

Back in O-ville*

* Otherwise known as Oman.

I arrived back in Muscat at 21:15 pm, which is 18:15 pm UK time. The flight was great, as all BA flights tend to be! Apart from the fact my TV decided to cock up a third of the way, ah well the time flew and I slept for an hour or so. I'm actually glad to be back in my house, with my dogs.

Today I caught up with a couple of mates and went down to PDO, for a spot of lunch and a relax on the beach, not for long however. It is very, very hot here, however the humidity plays the biggest part as that is what causes it to feel so hot. I, for some bizarre reason, didn't find the heat too irritating and made the most of my first day back!

Later on, my friend and I went to Shatti Cinema to watch The Hangover which I totally recommend; it's absolutely hilarious! (Well that's what I thought, anyway!). The cinema has totally changed, much better service and they even serve to you directly when you're watching the film, that's cool, but pure lazy-ness I say! And like always, no one had they're mobiles switched off, let alone on silent! That's a typical Muscat cinema for ya!

Tomorrow we're going to look at our house which is nearly ready on the project called The Wave, so tomorrow my blip should be something to do with that :-)

See ya

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