
This morning I was home alone as Ann went off to Solihull. I spent my time revisiting the Japan holiday photos I took last May; I’ve nearly finished sorting and filing them, it took most of the morning to sort out Day 12 (Asakusa, Rainbow Bridge, Tokyo Tower and Disneyland).

At midday the electrician came to fit the two new smoke alarms, why you ask, well for some reason the smoke alarms in our house are wired into the mains, it does mean I don’t have to change the battery for the next ten years.

After lunch, on Ann’s return, we braved the rain to go to our favourite coffee shop, Central Perk, no that’s the one from Friends. It was still raining on the way home so I took a few ‘rainy’ pics; this one is Town Square, once known as Bell Court, a shopping precinct in the centre of town which is sliding rapidly into disuse, except for the Escape Community Arts workshop which is taking over some of the empty shops and spaces. At least the council did a good job on the hanging baskets.

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