that touch of fall...

...has arrived

in the leaves already -

look how the colors are changing - i had to glance twice - acknowledging that, indeed, it's true - the season is yet again going to be coming to a quick ending - i will miss it - however... i also embrace the approaching weather cool down - the summer here seemed to be very hot - some cooler temps will be a welcome retreat - the time when pulling on a sweater or a hoodie in the crisp morning time or early evening hours - will be happenstance - i enjoy those moments - the times when you get to layer - the coziness it brings - the ability to experiment with color, texture, different knits - i love it all - but...

i have said it before - will repeat it again - when it comes to locking in my toots - capturing them into closed toed shoes - nope, nada, not so fast my friends - it will be a very cold day before that happens - the days will be frosty - err i say, snowflakes may well be flying before i bow to the missive of proper necessity with donning the dreaded shoe again - why? it just seems that winter days linger on so long - my tootsies simply don't enjoy captivity - being bound up - albeit the variety these days of shoes - the sheer delight you can pamper yourself with is large, endless, expansive - it doesn't matter - freedom reigns when it comes to the toots - flipflops will continue on as the sole of choice - so though fall is in the air at the moment - clearly my toots are winning the war - making for...


happy day.....

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