600 not out .....

............. blips that is, not age!!! (although I feel it sometimes).

Hard to believe I have been taking a daily photo for 600 days and uploading to this wonderful site - I know that this is not an official blip milestone but it feels pretty special to me.

This is some kind of a shield bug and I had a few images of him but liked his profile in this one although it wasn't the best shot ..... no macro lens or magnifier lens and hand-held ..... so had to crop a lot but it came out pretty well I think.
I'm sure he's saying hip-hip-hoorah for my 600 and waving his antennae around in celebration.

Yesterday is back-blipped.

Hairy Leaf ............

NIKON D5200 : f/1.8 : 1/60" : 50mm : ISO 200

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