Last Love-in-a-Mist

Thank you so much for putting my 'Happy Birthday to My Little Brother' on the lowest line of the spotlight yesterday :) I didn't know until JazzyB pointed it out...Blip notified me after it had gone off there!

Low blip mojo today blipfriends! Spent ages taking pictures and they were all so blurry because of the breeze even with using the stabilizer or tripod :( So here you have what will probably be my last love in a mist, played with in picasa, using a zoom with edge hardened.

My entry for the Square September Challenge hosted by Ambling Camera!

Green and recycling bin day tomorrow so I've spent the morning in the garden weeding and chopping back so the bin men struggle to pull the bin, so I make the most of the space in the enormous bin they insist on providing for single person houses!

Happy Thursday folks :)

Must dash to make some lunch before work this afternoon, and then I'm out at a meeting this evening, so commenting will be very tardy. I was going to turn my comments off but have decided not to, please bear with me :)

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