Sunny Day Calendula

Couldn't resist this beautiful orange coloured calendula today! Straight out of the camera apart from a little cropping :)

My day off after a long and heavy four afternoons at work...PHEW! And relaaax...

So I stayed in bed late, I've been shopping and now doing the washing making the most of the sunny skies to dry the washing, then maybe I'll do a bit more tidying up in the garden? More likely to just chill out with a nice book or have a doze:)

In other news Poor Billy :( He came to lie on the sofa next to me after being out for about an hour this morning and when I stroked him I found a lump... Further investigation I thought that it was a tick, but luckily managed to pull it off completely. Called the vet and they confirmed its a tick, but there is nothing that can be done unless he is drops like with fleas or anything... My Mrs Tigger never had anything like it, so this is a first for me.. Does anyone have any suggestions to keep him tick free? I do comb him regularly and also stroke him a lot so I would find it easily (thankfully)...

Thank you so much for putting Yesterday's 'Last Love-in-a-Mist' in the spotlight for a couple of hours this morning :)

Happy Friday Folks :)

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