What the Fringe is all about... kinda!

I won some free tickets to a show at Fringe called Horse, and went along with NotGraham and his lovely ladyfriend.

It was described as follows: Alone in a stable, she gallops through a life of horsey thoughts and behaviour. A stunning synthesis of comedy, visual imagery and circus performed by award-winning Flick Ferdinando. 'Cheeky, sexy ... passionately erotic' (Guardian).

So here's what happened in practice:
- woman comes on stage dressed in her underwear - a kind of burlesque horse outfit. She canters round in high heels pretending to be a horse.
- woman changes into jodhpurs and dances about suggestively with a riding whip.
- woman reads out a childrens book about the pony club, and then simulates an orgasm.
- woman changes into a priest outfit and prays to horses whilst reading from the Racing Post.
- woman is back in her underwear, rubbing herself against a vaulting horse thing whilst her breasts threaten to escape from her basque - and then do.
- woman dressed as priest gives birth to a toy horse.
- woman in jodhpurs performs acrobatics on a saddle which descended from the ceiling.
- woman in underwear strips down to her pants and climbs into a trough full of water, splashes about a lot and then arises wearing a ball gown.
- dripping wet woman in ball gown sings grand finale song.

It was absolutely the most ridiculous thing I ever saw.

I was delighted, everything else I've seen so far has been so... good. This properly makes the Fringe experience for me!

Please check out my backblip of another Fringe performer.

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