Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude


Yesterday I blipped from the airport, and today I'm blipping from the Aviator - a lovely hotel the firm had to put me in because of a reservation error :)

When my boss and I arrived yesterday we went to the hotel across from our office where we were booked. It's a rather run of the mill budget place, not very nice but a quick walk into work. Unfortunately (not!) they had no record of my reservation (made by the company's travel agent). And they were sold out. So my company had to find me a new room. Sadly (not!) the only place left with availability was this luxury hotel.

Yesterday was a very long day with travel in the morning, meetings all afternoon, and then a big networking event that went quite late but gave me a chance to meet lots of people in the firm.

Today more meetings all day, followed by dinner with a few colleagues - and now I'm exhausted. Hope to chat with my family before I crash, but no one answering the phone right now.

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