At the Farmer's Market in Bellingham

Helena, Arvin and I headed to the Farmer's Market in downtown Bellingham this morning to do some shopping for fresh local fruit and vegetables. We stopped for fresh peaches and nectarines from Martin's in Eastern Washington and visited my former colleague Helen who has Sumas River Farm to pick up delicious orange raspberries and fresh veggies and then got salad from another favorite vendor. As usual the market was buzzing.

There were several buskers at work and these two gals were new to us. The highlight of their act was the inclusion of the audience. They had brought a bunch of instruments for the kids to play and we all sang "Roll out the Barrel" together for their last number. It was fun and the kids seemed to be enjoying themselves. Take a closer look.

We stopped at the Mt Bakery booth where we got some delicious goodies. There we met Cynthia, aka Local Food Lover and then went on exploring the market.

After we unpacked our booty I went on the deck to feed the birds. I took some photos but they did not live up to some I took yesterday. I decided to put yesterday's photos up on Chaikins of Bellingham. Those fellows are so cool. I noticed this morning that my old buddy Roger has lost one of his bands. I called him Roger for the red (Ro) and the green (ger) bands he was sporting. Well I guess I need to nickname him "Ger" now as the red band seems to have fallen off. He's had both of them for a very long time, five years or so. I wonder if he notices the difference.

It was fun relaxing and doing a bit of goofing off today. Tomorrow it's back to work, helping Helena finish setting up her living room and doing wash. But for now, I get to relax. I like that.

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