
This is Junior. He is a juvenile delinquent. He comes to eat our bird food even though I chase him away every time he comes. He knows that I will tire before he does. So today I caught him in the act. And I did have to admit that his coloration was quite nice. And he was a rather handsome kid. But still! Come on! Those peanuts are for the jays. That dog food is for the crows. What are you doing eating it all up? His reply, "Mine! Mine! Mine!" What can I say to that? Louder and bolder.

I actually only took a few photos this morning and had a hard time choosing between this one and this one. It was a hard choice but I chose the seagull because it has been awhile since I blipped one.

It's been a busy day. Morning shopping at the Farmer's Coop, Costco and Haggen's. Doing the wash. And then fighting to get Helena's computer connected to our wifi internet connection. No such luck and I tried everything. Time to call Vince, the "Puter Tech Man" to solve the problem, whatever it is. Hopefully he'll be able to do it. I couldn't. (He will I bet as he can do it all when it comes to Windows. I'm a Mac lady myself.)

Soon I'll head upstairs and bake a lovely eggplant parmigiana from Haggen's for dinner. And salad with avocado. Sounding good already. ;-)

Have a great day, evening, night, whatever the time is for you. :)

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