History of a Life Lived

When you see leaves on the ground like this one, do you wonder what their lives were like? Sometimes I do. Like this one - what caused all the lines and crannies and odd bits of stuff attached to its underside? It fell from a grove of very tall trees that grow along "Maryland Street." I put that in quotes because though the route of the street has been mapped out, there is no actual street there. Instead there is a swath carved by the city where a jumble of blackberry brambles used to be. Now it is open but you can see the blackberries gathering in small clumps, preparing for their future take over of the so called street. And the thistles hunkering down to take their part in making the street into an impassible jungle. But today it is not impassable. And the leaves fall where a walker can find them and wonder what their lives were like high in the tall trees along "Maryland Street."

Take a closer look at the leafy lifelines.

Today was much busier than I thought it might be. We started with a trip to the doctor for Arvin for a shot of comfort for his bursitis ridden hip. Already he is feeling the relief. Then we went home and I thought it would be a quiet afternoon but suddenly as if by magic, a group of errands sprang up that had to be attended to. So off we all went again and were gone for some time.

Finally at home again I sat on the deck and photographed birds but this photo from an earlier ramble won the day. I really love the way leaves get in the fall. They are not unlike senior citizens like me who wear their lives in the lines they carry. Though I do prefer to look younger - hence the red brown hair where it was almost white - on some level I don't mind the lines in my face. They are a map of my life just like the lines on the under side of a leaf.

Seems I am waxing poetic today...

Hope yours went or is going swimmingly.

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