Peninsula Light

By PeninsulaLight

Briefly airborne kayaker on one of the last drops/waterfalls of the River Moriston, by Invermoriston. Day one of the 2013 Wet West Padddlefest - a whitewater kayaking/canoeing event with guaranteed water (dam released), and challenging rivers. Not advised for novices...

It was a lovely day - warm and sunny. Lots of fun, craic... and carnage. Numerous broken paddles, and a few damaged boats. Just hope everyone survived okay. Seemed to be a good few more swimmers this year (i.e. folk that had abandoned their boats). With the large number of gnarly rapids, that's not recommended either...

Will gave day two a miss as the forecast is really dire, and I suspect many of the paddlers will take advantage of the rain to try out rivers further South, and on their routes home.

2012 - Day 1 River Moriston (Invermoriston), and the same drop/waterfall.
2012 - Day 2 River Garry (Invergarry)

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