
By Dotty

Sober for October - Day 6

Another broken night. Poor Charlie is suffering. Migraine I think (I did at the same age) - he woke up crying with a headache at 3am then I heard him rushing to the loo to be sick while I was getting the Calpol. He was fine after that and spent the rest of the night cuddled up with me.

I was asked this morning if I felt any different almost a week in. The answer is yes. I'm mentally more alert and physically feel more in tune. It's no secret that the last 3 months have been tricky and I've hidden behind far too many buckets of Merlot. I think the physical damage is being unmasked - hopefully the next few weeks will show an improvement in my energy levels. And a reduction in the bloating... that's a weird feeling I'll be happy to be rid of.

Please sponsor or join me and my chums. We'd love to see you - AND you get to see an SP of me with a truly SHOCKING hangover. But if you peek you have to donate and/or join us. It's the law!

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