a town called E.

By Eej

My tree. MY tree.

I found myself singing a little happy song when I, after a short detour where I temporarily misplaced myself, set eyes on my most favouritest tree in the whole wide world. Something along the lines of: "Hello you lovely boy, I am so happy I found you all by myself."
This being a nice tree, I'm sure it did NOT think: "Oh good lord, I get that crazy lady two days in a row!" Because we were here yesterday - the patch of corn I Blipped is maybe half a mile from this spot.
The clouds were better yesterday but what was much, much better today is that I cycled here all by myself. It's not just the miles I make, it's the independence I gain that I also temporarily misplaced.

Then my non-profiled tyres skidded on the dirt road and I nearly fell over. Ah, well, you can't win them all :)

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