
After tackling a long list of chores at the mall mum and I had a stroll round the lakes. It was quite pleasant at times with just a small easterly breeze and a little bit of sun.

Plenty of birdlife Black Swans with teenage cygnets, mallards, Mr and Mrs Sheldrake and Mr and Mrs Scaup, Little Shags, a pukeko or two, various types of ducks including the one above and Mr and Mrs Shoveller, all feeding, preening or just simply cruising the lake. It was good to be in the fresh air after being in the stuffy mall full of kids as its school holidays here.

It was also good to have a practise of catching movement something I find very challenging. I'm pleased with this shot just getting the eye before it fell behind the body, she was very fast with her preening not leaving a feather unturned.

I'm touched to see yesterday's blip on the spotlight page and I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the lovely comments. Warm thanks to you all for the stars and hearts and for stopping by, its truly appreciated.

It's now time for me to put my groceries away and organise some tea. Can't quite believe its Friday tomorrow, how the week has flown by!

Happy Thursday blippers :)

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