Fresh Paint

Sod's Law does exist and is currently operational right here in the Dower House.
No sooner had the TV Guru arranged a time to visit yesterday, than the errant console decided to come back to life, leaving the Guru to think we were a pair of pensioner numpties who shouldn't be in charge of anything electrical.

Just when we were getting accustomed to the fact that he could indeed be right, and of course after the working day finished, it went on the blink again only to work on a different socket.
This has repeated itself several times today and I have come to the conclusion that it has assumed the human characteristic of wanting a bit of attention......... Or there is a loose connection somewhere.

His Lordship and I walk past this building at Tollcross at least once or twice a week, but had somehow failed to notice before today that it had been painted a rather lovely bright colour.

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