Northern Exposure

By Northern

A cute what?

LUMBAGO, acute lumbago!

My man, like many others I believe, is of the opinion that you only go to the doctors if something is hanging off or turning a funny colour.

I bullied him into going to the surgery this morning to get his back checked. Doc gave him a good check over and confirmed he'd hurt his back. Keep taking the pain killers and rest combined with very, very, gentle movements so that he doesn't seize up. Nothing we didn't know before but at least he's been told that there's no way he'll make it back to work this week, or possibly next.

Meanwhile me and the boys are trying to figure out how long it will be before we can laugh at the fact that he has something with such a silly name.

P.S. Isn't the Deep Heat logo is a classic? One which I hope never changes!

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