Homeward Bound

This morning we completed all the jobs that needed to be done before the boat was left ready for its next crew this afternoon. By 10.30 we were on our way home. There's a nice Farm Shop near the marina so we picked up some things for lunch and weekend meals.

I was in the back of the car and, as we were coming up towards the Howgills, I wound the window down and got a shot of the familiar scenery and typical Cumbria weather.

When I got home there were 100 notifications on blip. So many people achieving so many milestones, I'm sorry but I couldn't begin to try to catch up with commenting. Then there were the emails! I only had chance to respond to a couple of urgent ones while we were away due to lack of mobile broadband.

Well, home at last! Settling down for what will be a couple of busy, but exciting months.

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