Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

Blipping lunch.......

.....some of yesterday's wholemeal and pumpkin seed flatbread and a hastily knocked-up kidney bean dip.....and rather tasty it is too!

Food on a square plate is tagged

EDIT : Seeing as I had to type out the recipe for the dip for alfthomas (I owed him!) I'll copy it here too.....just in case......

1 tin red kidney beans, drained a bit
about 3 cloves garlic, minced
half teaspoon salt
half teaspoon dried chilli flakes
half teaspoon dried cumin
lots of chopped parsley (in a perfect world, except I only had a bit)
the juice of about 2 lemons.....and the grated zest if you like (I do!)
Blitz it and eat.....

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