Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Young Dylan

Today's shot needed some rescuing...

Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey backtrack ...

I've signed up at the Pentax Forums, which seems rather cool, if extremely busy. On there I found a monthly challenge group, wherein one of the challenges is to post a picture a day (ha!) taken (on a Pentax camera, natch) using one specified lens, for the whole month. After thinking about it, I figured it could be quite useful to me, in that it would make me use my manual Pentax 50 mm every day (not rejecting the Sigma, but making sure that I did at least something with the Pentax), which would help me to get comfortable with it on the K-30, as there are some real differences in how it works, and the results it gives, compared to mounting it on my little Lumix.

So, I popped the 50 mm on the K-30, and headed out. Lunch with mrs tsuken was lovely, and on the way back I decided to snap this busker, to whom mrs tsuken had listened and donated earlier on. He's rather good, playing mainly (possibly solely) Bob Dylan and Neil Young, and with a voice rather Dylan-ish but less nasal.

I had set the exposure using the stop-down metering I mentioned a couple of days ago; I can't remember whether or not I tweaked the shutter speed a click faster than that the camera set. I had it set to f/9 (I think) and the focus set using the distance ring such that anything from about 4 m out for a long way ought to be roughly in focus. I shot this off, and walked on; being close to the start of my afternoon clinic I couldn't linger to chimp and take further shots if required - nor to stop and talk with him. So off I went.

Loaded it onto my iPad later, and found it to be rather a bit on the dark side. However, a bit of clarity, raised the exposure a touch, pulled down the grey point on the histogram, and a bit of burning on the footpath (which became too bright), and here we are. Pretty good, I think, all things considered.

Larger here.

And for reference, SOOC here.

It's made me think though: I always seem to be going somewhere, to do something. I don't feel I can just stop - like today: sit down, listen, introduce myself, chat about music. That would have been a great thing to do - for me - but I could hardly then turn up late for my next patient; "sorry, I was chatting to a busker". Yeah, that'd go down like a tungsten balloon. xP

Anyway, a little before this photo I snapped a look down an alleyway that I rather like, and would have blipped if the one of the busker hadn't come out as well as I think it did.

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