Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Treed Taxi

It was a little on the windy side today.

I didn't see this tree limb on its journey towards horizontality, but when I got there the driver of this taxi was in the driver's seat, and two people (I think one being another taxi driver) were standing at the passenger door. This also happens to be another One Street entry.


And colour.

I was slated to go to Lithgow for a clinic today. I did not go. As I came into the Katoomba Community Health Centre to get a car, one of the nurses said "you might have trouble getting home" .... errr what now? Fire near Lithgow, in a place where he told me the army used to train, so there's unexploded ammunition, so they can't send anyone in; the winds are making it difficult or impossible for helicopters... and so on. So even though it was still the other side of Lithgow from the Great Western Highway, I decided to stay at Katoomba.

I reckon good thing too. It was 400-odd hectares at 8:30, a bit under 600 at 11:30, over 1,000 at 2 pm... and another started in Mt Victoria.

None near us, happily 8) - though we got a bit of smoke from the Lithgow fire (70-odd km away!) this morning.

... wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey ...

Update ... No longer none near us. I ran away from work early, after mrs tsuken advised me a fire had started rather close to us. Thankfully (for us) it appears to be going away from us, but still. From our backyard, and from the railway station, and on the walk home.

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