Skip doctor

No, thats not what I am doing (given my blip from Friday!) - this is a gadget recently acquired to sort out the multitude of disks that James has left lying around which are scratch and subsequently don't work.

Given that places like "Game" charge a ridiculous amount for something that takes about a minute to fix, I decided to purchase this gadget, called "Skip Doctor". It wasn't expensive - it will pay for itself very quickly given that James has about 10 games that don't work because of surface scratches, and I have a number of CD's that like to jump around.

Nifty too - fully automatic - spray the disk, pop it in, after a minute it ejects the disk, buff it, dry it...AND IT WORKS... James was dead chuffed yesterday afternoon when I got his Lost Planet disk to work.

I have calmed down a bit from Friday - partly because I haven't had chance to think about it too much as my head has been stuck in front of this computer doing stats, stats and more stats - had a day off today, but I am going to be at it all day tomorrow, to be ready for work on Tuesday morning.

I haven't commented back to people who took the time to reassure and offer support - I am not being rude - to be honest I haven't really check back since I posted on Friday, but I will try and find time to do it this week - don't want anyone to think I am being ignorant - I'm really not.

Anyway, am shortly off to bed - I think the combination of coming back to England, 4 days of fairly intensive numbr crunching, the high spot of results day on thursday, the low spot from friday and not having slept properly the last two nights is catching up - I feel like death - it would be just my body's sense of perfect timing to give in to a cold just before term starts.

THANKS Dad and Ann for a lovely afternoon. And Laura- if you read this - dark hair is the way forward, and Stanley and Eve are just ace :-) Which I'd taken my camera with me.

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