Repetitive strain

Firstly, thank you to all of you who left me messages of concern and support on Friday when I went into complete and utter melt down. My head is somewhere near normal now, after some positive and reassuring conversations with people who have experienced the same thing, and also because so many of you reassured me that it wasn't the disaster that I initially thought.

I have also been significantly distracted by work - I have tracked my time in the past 4 days and spent 10 hours on Saturday, 4 hours on Sunday and 12 hours yesterday sat at this computer doing statistical analysis of the GCSE results for school and for each subject. As a result of that, and anothr couple of hours today, I realised this evening that the index finger on my right hand was in agony - had a look and there's a bloody bruise on the joint...and I know why, because much of my time has been spent inputting numbers on the number pad of the keyboard - index finger for the number, little finger to press enter - a quick mental calculation of the things that I have been doing suggests that the repetitive action described was probably done in excess of 5000 times in the space of yesterday alone.

Its no wonder its bloody sore!

I have had bird flu (its like Man flu, except clearly not as serious, because NOTHING is as bad as that apparently!) since Sunday night as well.

However, it was back to work today, and its back to school for James tomorrow as well, so some semblance of routine and order will return to the house tomorrow. The uniform is ironed, the clothes are labelled with name tags, the lunches are packed...we're ready to go. And I get to meet and greet a whole new year group of bright eyed excited year 7 students tomorrow. Fun fun.

And to my Aunty Rose - do you want us to come down on Saturday afternoon/evening and show you how to do this blip thing?!?!

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