
By HeartFreek

Good Morning!

There was something quite lovely about sitting at the table, eating toast and Marmite in the sunshine, using up the last of the proper butter I had used in yesterdays baking, that I just had to blip it. But by the time I got my camera ready, the sun had gone behind that big black cloud and the toast had got nibbled!! But you get my drift!

I was planning on blipping Mr W stacking our first ever delivery of logs this morning, but they arrived while I was in the shower and Mr W and the log man were oh so terribly efficient and had them stacked in a jiffy. I have to say tho, the pile is pretty untidy, and I bet you they will get re-stacked as Mr W likes changing things! I shall blip them when that happens!!! as an 'I told you so'!

Thank you for all your comments yesterday regarding my sons first visit here.
(I changed the picture so please pop by and have a look!)
It was just lovely. Seeing him at my front door, showing him round the house, his reaction to my house, dinner, Him and his sister snuggled on the sofa reminiscing over photos of our Kenya holiday (just me and my babies) - all lovely. I didn't want it to end. He's back down to Newquay today. Not sure when I will see him again. Soon I hope.

Just watched Great British Bake Off recording and was quite shocked it wasn't Miss Sulky Face Ruby who went!!! I have my favourite to win!!

The post has just arrived. Great news, Iv been discharged from the colposcopy clinic, so no exposing myself to strangers for at least 3 years! Result!

Have a great day everyone.


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