
By HeartFreek


Today is a very special day for me.

My Baby Boy is coming home. To a Home he has never seen before. My home with Mr W.

My babies had a difficult time after my divorce 4 years ago. Understandably. Mr W also had a difficult time having to deal with all that. For one reason or another, there was no acceptance or understanding of what happened and everyone was hurt. Including me. I was told it would take time to heal. I didn’t believe them but they were right.

Since my boy went left his home to start a new life in Newquay with my brother, and when he saw how much I was loved by Mr W when I was poorly last April, he changed his view of the situation and was able to accept Mr W was my husband. That’s all Mr W wanted and it was his idea we went visit Sam in Newquay last month. It was quite an emotional time for me finally seeing them both together. Happy.

Samuel is now ‘back in town’ for a visit and he wrote ok text! Mr W asking if he could visit ‘my home’. And tonights the night!!! How excited???!

He asked for ‘Mummy’s Chicken Pie’ and I have made a batch of Brownies. I’m pretty sure he likes them – who wouldn’t!!! Hot Brownies and cream!

Sadly I have to work this afternoon so I spent all morning preparing! I’m writing this on preparation as I am worried I won’t have time to do it later while I’m busy catching up with my Boy.

But I will update later – I promise!!


Thank you to those of you have gave me Stars for the Heart in the Cocoa powder, but I have had to change the blip for this special one. Me, My BabyBoy, Daughter Number 1 and Mr W. A very special moment and yes, the Pie was delicious - apparently - Im a vegetarian!!!

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