Coffee morning

After our trip up to Aviemore I had a good night's sleep. Good job as I had to be up early this morning as I was making rolls and sausage at our church coffee morning. I mentioned in an earlier blip that as a community we are fundraising for a friend's son, who is very ill, to send him to New York for surgery in the hope of curing him. We need to raise a quarter of a million pounds, but fundraising is going on in Scotland, Ireland (where he lives now), London (where he worked at one time) and also Sweden (as he also worked there for a few years and has many friends there).

So we are hopeful of raising enough, and he has actually been to New York to have the first operation, and is due home today. He of course will have to go back to New York several times and possibly be operated on again. We can only hope and support his parents and family as best we can.

Anyhow, I have never seen a coffee morning like it. Many people came, a lot of them friends who had no church connection but wanted to help, and they were very welcome. Also a lot of walkers came, as our friends walk with us in our club. We sold lots of rolls and sausage, we had a raffle, we sold cakes and other things, and we hope to raise a few hundred pounds.

So I was tired in the afternoon, but we went out to do our food shop and also met C for coffee, which was lovely.

......and have just watched 'Strictly', which was as usual, very enjoyable.

We had some rain in the morning, but we had sun in the afternoon and it showed up the autumn colours beautifully.

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