wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

How to freak out your 87 year old father

This morning my band sang at the Crystal Springs Farmers Market in Brunswick Maine. About 20 minutes up the road from where I live in Falmouth. Growing up my Dad and I went to the market every week. We always bought veggies and bouquets. Now that I live with my Dad again, I try to go every week to support the economy and it's always a nice memory for me. Over the years farmers markets have changed. You can now buy everything from breads, spices, yarn, meat, baked goods everything you can imagine. You can buy a variety of multi ethnic foods, have a seat, listen to live music or watch jugglers and other performers. You can even drop your knives off and have them sharpened. Along the way the produce has changed. We never ate jicima, brocolirabi, or daikon radish. So today when the vendors came up while the market was closing down, ( they often give us veggies and stuff at the end of the day) I took the red carrots. My Dad was completely flummoxed by them. He doesn't understand why I just can't east orange carrots like everyone else. I thought they were a riot. If you squint your eyes, you can see the dots on them are actually pink. HA you thought I forgot. It was either these or the pink sauerkraut with probiotics. Seriously. I tried them. I didn't bring any home.

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