
By middaypyjamas

Brimbank Park

Today is my sister in law Rosie's birthday. She turned 29 today and looked lovely...and also heavily pregnant. To celebrate her birthday, her family and ours headed over to Brimbank Park in Keilor for a BBQ. After some troubles with an uncooperative BBQ we soon got the meat cooking and then spent the rest of the day chatting and relaxing in the sun.

While I managed to get a few blip worthy shots I really liked this one that showed the fields of Brimbank Park with these children playing in it. I have no idea who these kids are but I spotted them playing in this scenery and thought it would make a great photo.

I also managed to fit in work and my daily 5k this morning and am now comfortably exhausted and enjoying my relaxing night in. Be well blipsters.


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