
By WhiskyFoxtrot

Socks are the New Rock and Roll

Had a wonderfully slow start to the day, such a welcome change from the week. Did bits and pieces, nothing in particular and enjoyed every second. It helped that for much of the morning and early afternoon it was pouring rain. Man, I love lazy days! I went for a stroll when the rain cleared away and got some good shots. The beach was looking beautiful, as usual, and the sun came out to cast some reflections on wet sand. I can't imagine ever getting bored of that sight. I took a funny shot of a fellow photographer with lots of expensive gear trying to take the classic shot of a groyne. The funny bit, to me, was that he looked like it was the hardest job in the world. I hope photography never becomes hard work for any of us amateurs. I mean, it's meant to be fun, right?

Dr T and I spent the evening with a new Canadian friend and her husband in Torphichen, a village in darkest West Lothian, about 25 miles from here. This wee hamlet was hosting three superb singers- Awna Teixeira of Po'Girl, Brandy Zdan of Twilight Hotel and Cara Luft of The Wailin' Jennys - The ABC of Canadian Music. What a great night and what all-round talented musicians! Here's a little taste.

The most unusual bit was that their merch table included socks. Stripy socks, like the ones Cara is wearing in the video (she's in the middle). So naturally I had to come home with a pair because Socks are the New Rock and Roll.

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