
By Purplepants

Alex and mum

Sorry I have been absent and ignoring your blips - have had two days racing about being sociable! - will catch up tomorrow :-)
I was up early due to the loving attentions of mum's cat Penny who paid frequent visits to the end of my bed and washed herself, with accompanying jingly bell! I couldn't get cross really she is such a daft and friendly moggy.

We had a leisurely breakfast and left to arrive home in time for a roast lunch all prepared and waiting c/o Fred who had also fixed the leak under the sink that was causing floods and cleared the guttering that had been causing fountains of overflow water down the side of the house last week. (My hero!)

We unpacked a bag (about 20lb)of apples from mum's tree and a single squash from Angela (about 6lb!) from their allotment harvest, so I have some recipes to concoct!

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