Look, it's raining!

I heard on the radio tonight that Orkney has only had around 80something% of the normal average rainfall this summer.

I heard on the radio tonight that Orkney has had temperatures far higher than normal.

So why is it that there is nothing on the TV but what a shite summer everyone in Scotland has had?

I'm vaguely sorry for those of you that have had rotten weather but ours has been brilliant.

I'm VERY sorry for the visitors we had at the weekend who managed to be here for the only weekend of the summer we have had bad weather. (Worth noting that as soon as they left the sun came out. They're cursed, obviously.)

BUT I am totally fed up being told I've had NO summer and aren't we all gloomy.

It's not true. We're sun baked and happy. Know what... we were even happy at the return of the wind last Friday. It was refreshing!

Rant over, normal service will be resumed with the first Force 10.

P.S. It did rain today for a wee bit, if it makes you feel any better....

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