Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

What a Mess!

This is the view across the campus today looking from the area where my classroom is located toward the library building where my office and the Writing Center are located. The photo is only showing the second floor of the library building. The first floor is not visible because of the major dirt hole and hill the workers have installed. So it makes sense that lots of new students couldn't find the classroom and arrived late to class. What a mess!

Several of you have asked about the progress of the campus construction, so I hope this gives you a peek into the action (and the mess).

Other than many students feeling quite lost, and my key to the classroom not working (campus police had to come let me and my students into the room this morning--20 minutes late), and searing heat--high was 96 degrees today, and an icky measure of humidity arrivng from the storm brewing off the coast of Baja California (Mexico), it's been a pretty great first day of teaching this new semester for me.

Before each of the two classes I taught today concluded, I walked with students to the Writing Center for orientation. So we had to navigate around the construction site and then I had to get all the way back to the classroom to meet the next class. Then later in the afternoon I walked back over there to check every door key I have, so I don't get a repeat performance on Thursday when I go back to meet the next two classes of students. So I did my exercise today and reminded myself as I walked in the sticky humid heat that it was good for me.

So there's my take on this day. I am so glad I have a job. I love what I do. I'll be reminding myself of that when I collect the first batch of papers to grade ;-)

Right now (7:30 p.m.) I'm going to put on my swimsuit and spend some time in the pool with Mr. Fun. Thanks for reading this far.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Thank you to everyone who stopped to look and comment yesterday on our Grandson's 18th Birthday blip.

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