Through my Eyes

By Kelso

Red sky at night, sailor's delight

First of all, thanks so much for sending my blip of Bogan & Kelso from yesterday to the Spotlight. I am so, so sad sometimes when I look at Bogan and think about his diagnosis, and I cannot express how your most compassionate comments have helped me to feel so much better. I will try to take your good advice and focus on the joy of having him in my life every day. As many of you noted, we should all live each day to the fullest, just as Bogan is doing. Thanks especially to admirer, who reminded me that I may be aware of Bogan's diagnosis, but Bogan is not. All of your advice helped me tremendously.

Was still feeling somewhat pensive today and so I look upon this beautiful sunset as a sign of hope.

I like it in closeup.

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