From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970


Sorry about that wild excitement in my over enthusiastic title! I'll explain shortly...

Right. Back to the task at hand. Hand! That's a laugh! Seriously, I have ordered that many wrist rests and computer mouses/mice(?) for the office after Health and Safety have stuck their oar in that it's a wonder I haven't been squeaking. Actually, maybe I have....

I have ordered a hand exercise thing and some squeezy balls from Amazon for myself. My wrists are fine but my fingers tingle and I reckon I need hand exercises to loosen my fingers a few times per day. Squeezing some balls a couple of times a day won't do me any harm I'm sure.

In other news, I had an egg and bacon muffin and a tea on the way in from McDonalds as I had one of those vouchers to use up. Yummy! I bumped into Debbie from the catering section on the way in to work who was telling me all about her 'women's time of the month troubles' and I listened sympathetically feeling like a traitor for having had a hysterectomy when I was about 32 and also because I wouldn't be going to see her for breakfast as I'd just eaten. I hummed and hawed in all the right places and told her a few horror stories of my own before we parted. She said 'Thanks Roz! You are a right old wreck compared to me! I feel much better after talking to you!'

HUMPH! Glad to be of service I'm sure!

Anyway, I dragged my ruined carcass into the office and the work day began. Nothing much to report really. It was a quiet day with lots of people in and out for meetings etc. I went out to M&S at lunchtime for a cauliflower cheese I'd forgotten to order from Tesco and took a fancy to a maxi length lacy dress which would look great with my long boots. I couldn't decide between the sea green/blue or damson so came away quickly with my sandwich and cauliflower cheese, taking this picture on the High Street on the way way back. No, I have no idea who that man is.

Oh! I got my £3.95 lemon meringue slice from that Touchwood cafe too. Was it worth it? NO WAY! The one in TK Maxx in Ayr is ten times better! At least I've tried it so won't die wondering, not about that, anyway..

Track? This is the reason for my excitement! I heard a Rod Stewart version of 'I used to love her' this morning and was looking for the Stones version. Look what I found!! This is a fantastic clip from 1964 of three tracks including 'I Used To Love Her' and the footage is great. I watched it three times. Short songs in 1964 so well worth watching - The Rolling Stones - 1964

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